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Become a Plumbing Pro: Tips to Boosting Your Home System


Become a Plumbing Pro: Tips to Boosting Your Home System

Does your plumbing system always work well? Did you know that by taking on a few small tasks every month or so, you can really boost its performance? That means reliable plumbing that lasts longer and doesn't require repairs. It's also peace of mind and cost savings.

If you haven't tended to your plumbing in the past, you may not be sure where to begin. It's easy, and even the most novice DIY homeowner can accomplish these tasks with ease. We've put together a to-do list for you.

Drain Cleaning has Many Benefits

“cleandrains”For a natural drain cleaning, try putting equal parts white vinegar and baking soda down the drains. This combination fizzes and will naturally dislodge small clogs. It also freshens the drain.

It’s recommended to get a professional drain cleaning done once every year or so to make sure that your pipes are flowing well. This is the best way to keep clogs from forming in the first place.

It also helps your home to feel and smell cleaner. You don’t want dirty water coming back up through the drains, especially in your kitchen, where you are preparing food.

Water Pressure Needs Balance

“balancedwaterpressure”Keep your water pressure in line by checking on it on a regular basis. If it is registering too high, your plumbing system will be at risk of breaking down and leaking.

The force of the water hits the plumbing system aggressively, which will cause it to become weak.

The recommended "safe zone" is about 45-60 psi. This level will let you have a decent shower, but protect your plumbing at the same time.

Hair Blocking

“haircleaner”Don't want plumbing clogs? Then don't let hairs fall down your drains.

The best way to keep these particular clogs from forming is to place hair blockers over the drains.

These handy devices will collect hair before it has a chance to gather in the pipes and cause problems. Hair clogs can be nasty.

Find out and Follow Local Code

“localrequirements”If you are doing plumbing repairs or projects on your own, make sure that you do a little research into local regulations here in East Lansing, MI.

Standards and code are in place to ensure that your work is done to a certain quality. If you don’t get the proper permits and inspections, you may face fines.

You may end up having to do work over again if it breaks or leaks. Don’t put off these tasks. The sooner you adopt these habits; the sooner your plumbing performance will improve.