Smoke Detector Services in Lansing

Need to install a smoke detector or repair your current one? The Meridian Company can help! Protect your home and loved ones - call today at 517-339-6300 to schedule your smoke detector repair or installation service.

Lansing and East Lansing Smoke Detector Services - The Meridian Company

Approximately two-thirds of home fire deaths in the United States result from homes that do not have properly working fire alarms. A simple way to prevent fires is by installing a smoke alarm, or multiple smoke alarms depending on how many levels you have in your home. The Meridian Company is fully committed to keeping Lansing, MI area homes safe. Our expertly trained technicians carry out all work to code so you can rest easy knowing your loved ones are kept safe.

Smoke detectors are useful for protecting your family from fires, but are you prepared for dangerous carbon monoxide gasses? Our team provides carbon monoxide testing to help keep your family safe!

Which Type of Smoke Alarm Should You Install?

The two most commonly used smoke detection technologies are ionization and photoelectric. Ionization is the most common type of technology used in smoke detectors and is sensitive to fires that are flaming and grow rapidly. Photoelectric models are more sensitive to smoking fires.

For the most protection, a smoke detector with both technologies should be used in your home. At The Meridian Company, we recommend and install models which use both in order to best protect your home and loved ones.

We are Lansing and East Lansing, MI residents' go-to source for their electrical needs. Call us for superior customer service!

Smoke Detector Maintenance and Testing

In order to ensure your smoke detector works when it needs to, follow these steps and precautions:

  • Maintain your smoke alarm according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test your smoke alarm once a month by pressing the test button.
  • Replace your smoke detector if it uses a 10-year battery and the alarm starts chirping.
  • Replace the battery once a year if your smoke alarm uses this type of battery.
  • Install at least one alarm on every floor of your home and make sure they are interconnected.

If you need a smoke detector replacement, hire a licensed electrician to make sure it is properly installed and will work properly if a fire ever occurs in your home.

The Meridian Company is the licensed and insured smoke detector company Lansing residents trust to protect their home from danger.

Get in touch with us today at 517-339-6300 to discuss your needs and schedule service in Lansing, MI.